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advice & support
"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up"
Abide Church currently sponsors a trained advice and guidance specialist to offer free sessions for people looking to return to work, training or volunteering. They take place on a Thursday between 10-1pm at Abide Church, and are on a first come, first served basis. Please email abidechurch145@gmail.com for details, dates and to book a session.
Freedom's Ark Church hosts a Job Club in association with Christians Against Poverty (CAP).
CAP Job Clubs help job seekers gain the tools, skills and confidence to step back into employment. Their combined practical and emotional support is why the Department of Work and Pensions highly recommends their service. Aimed at adult job seekers who have been unemployed or out of work for a long period of time. The Job Club takes place on Thursdays at 11:30am at Freedom’s Ark, Tottenham Town Hall, Town Hall Approach Road, London, N15 4RY. For more information, please contact Aleisha Armah by email: aleishaarmah@capuk.org or call 02084930050 / 07931640622
In Need:
Besom is a bridge between those who have and those who are in need. They aim to facilitate any Haringey churches or individuals who would like to support those in need practically through giving time, things, money or skills. They provide furniture (new or in excellent condition), household items, or they send teams to do decorating for families and individuals referred to us through social services and health visitors. For more information, email the Besom in Haringey team: besominharingey@gmail.com or call 07725 185180.
Coffee and Co is a weekly Thursday coffee morning, primarily for carers but all are welcome. There is free coffee and cake! The group also arranges special events – e.g. summer outing, pampering sessions, poetry readings, and Q&As with local MP or councillors. It takes place every Thursday, 10am-1230 at Abide Church, 145 Park Road, London N8 8JD. For further information, contact abidechurch145@gmail.com
Debt Management:
Haringey Churches Group have launched a Debt Management Centre for Haringey. Working in association with Christians Against Poverty, the debt management centre is open to all. For more information, contact Rev. Gita Bond gitabond@hotmail.com. Read an interview with the debt centre manager.
Help Centres:
Embrace UK Community are a local charity run by Christians with the aim to relieve poverty among disadvantaged groups including refugees, asylum seekers and migrants. They provide of information, advice and guidance on welfare benefits, housing, immigration, education and training, health related issues such as HIV/AIDS and mental health. For more information contact Mesfin Ali: mesfin@embraceuk.org 07985 510 318 or visit their website: embraceuk.org
The Liberty Help Centre aims to give a helping hand in Tottenham. They offer counselling on bereavement, marriage, parenting, home repossession, drug/alcohol addiction, educational/job directions and any other challenges of life. They support clients with benefit and housing issues by calling the relevant government agencies for immediate solution. All their services are FREE. Their address is Liberty Help Centre, 1st Floor, 594 High Road, Tottenham, London. N17 9TA Telephone 020 8808 9204. Ask for Reverend Fowler.
Hospital Chaplaincy:
St Ann's Church is playing an active part within the local communities. They run an active Hospital Chaplaincy to St Ann's Hospital, using both staff and volunteers. For more information contact Rev. Jan Lowe. For information about St Ann's Church, visit their website
Legal Advice
The Salvation Army (Wood Green) holds a Free Legal Advice Clinic every Wednesday during term time from 1 - 5pm. There is no pre booking system - the names of people are taken at 1pm when the centre will open to create a list in order of arrival. Clinic takes place at 24 Lymington Ave, Noel Park, London N22 6JA
Mental Health:
Mind in Haringey supports people affected by a mental health problem. They offer services such as counselling, advocacy and wellbeing activities. Download more information
Night Patrol:
Street Pastors are a group of volunteers from Christian churches of all denominations across Haringey. They serve the night time economy of the borough by patrolling the streets from midnight onwards and providing a presence ministry which aims to bring peace to our streets. They assist the vulnerable and provide reassurance to those who feel unsafe at night. There is an intensive training programme for all volunteers and a minimum requirement of monthly patrolling. For further details please email the co-ordinator Gert Ormel or call 07747 299 770 or take a look the special feature on Leading Voices