"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."
Children’s Storehouse is a group of friends from a few churches who work together to provide this resource for Haringey. Support agencies refer needy Haringey families to them (they mostly receive referrals from Health Visitors and Social Workers). They take good quality used cots, cot bedding, high chairs, prams/ buggies, safety gates, clothes, toys and books for 0-7yr olds. They also visit and distribute these items for free to families who are referred to them. If you have a donation, they have a drop off points at 50 Hermiston Avenue, N8 8NP (plastic shed in front garden) or you can arrange a time to drop off at 1a Willan Road, N17 6NG. Collections can also be arranged. If you would like to be involved, they are looking for volunteers to help sorting and visits. For further information, please contact them: childrensstorehousecotf@gmail.com or call 07522 918931
Haringey Children’s Ministry Network - This is a network of children's leaders and volunteers from churches and clubs across Haringey, whose aim is to support each other in prayer, share resources and experiences, and work together to reach out to children in the borough. They meet approximately once a term and stay in regular communication through texts and emails for prayer support and sharing resources. They also aim to hold two or three joint events a year which enable to draw together their different strengths and gifts in order to proclaim the Good News to children and their families. Minutes of all the meetings are available to anyone who wants to join and more information is available from Pray Haringey.
Harringay United Church Baptist run a Youth club on Fridays, 6-8PM for any young people in Harringay between the age of 10 and 16. It is an inclusive club regardless of your colour, gender and religion. Youth club takes place at Harringay United Church Baptist, Allison Road/Green Lanes, London N8 0RG. For more information, call the Office on 020 8347 8754.
n:flame is a UK registered youth work charity established to serve churches and secondary schools in the North London area. Since September 2018 The n:flame Trust has officially been part of The Message Trust. They offer a wealth of resources. Visit the n:flame website for more information.
'Hope in Tottenham Mentoring' is a free mentoring service sourced from volunteers from faith groups across Haringey with social capital to help young people of Haringey aged 16-24 get into work. This service was set up in 2011, aimed at addressing the high levels of unemployment in Tottenham and East Haringey. Based in in St. Ann's Church, South Tottenham, they operate under a youth engagement charity called 'Hope in Tottenham.' If anyone is interested in becoming a mentor then please contact Alan McGuffog (mentoring@hopeintottenham.com).
Salvation Army (Wood Green) hosts a number of activities for children at 24 Lymington Avenue, N22 6JA:
Thursdays: Family Life Parent and Toddler group 1 - 3pm (under 5s) every week
Sparkles Parent and Child after school group 3:30 - 5pm (5 - 7s) first Thursday of each month. Children do craft while parents enjoy refreshments and chat. The session ends with a story.
For more information about these activities and more, please visit the Salvation Army (Wood Green) website