Time of Renewal

The Bishop of Edmonton, the Rt Revd Rob Wickham was a guest speaker at the First Friday meeting on Friday 1st March 2019. He shared passionately about the church being in a time of renewal.
"There is some extraordinary renewal stuff that's going on. There is something very profound of the ministry of the Holy Spirit at work"
He went on to say that across our denominations we have church planting, churches organising night shelters, food banks and working together to reach out and support those who are the most vulnerable and the poorest of society.
"There is a movement of the Holy Spirit to say: This is your moment to roll your sleeves up, put the towel around your waist and start to minister and wash the feet of the disciples"
(referring to the example set by Jesus)
He said that the renewal of the church arises and stems from the inner cities. Our ability to look outwards and build up the body of Christ is making a difference. The projects of Pray Haringey working together sharing our story gives huge encouragement to people across the UK serving their communities. Quoting Ephesians, the Bishop spoke about how important it is to use our gifts for the body.
"There is a thawing of hearts and a desire to work more in partnership" he said. "We are in a fortuitous place to bring the Gospel to a community that is crying out for hope. Our hope is not based on the result of Brexit but in Jesus Christ!"
He led a group discussion about the priorities facing the church and asked for thoughts about what he in his role as Bishop should focus on. Amongst many things, the following was suggested:
Children and Young People
The church will use it's prophetic voice
Christians will be confident in sharing our story
Pray Haringey would like to thank the Bishop for his time and ministry. It really was a word in season for the Church in Haringey and we pray that the lord will renew His Church in Haringey, London and beyond.
Father God we thank You for Your mercy and grace. We thank You for shining down on Haringey. We thank You for using us as vessels to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Help us Lord to be confident and bold. Help us to see things as You see them. Help us to unite as one Church under Christ and make a mighty impact in our neighbourhoods. We ask this in Jesus name. Amen